Unleashing Passion in Wong Chuk Hang – 3 May 2018

Unleashing Passion in Wong Chuk Hang – 3 May 2018

SAAHK is collaborating with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Hong and Africa Coffee & Tea for an interesting evening discussing the metamorphosis of Wong Chuk Hang. Guest speakers include Charlene Hua, co-founder of Africa Coffee & Tea and Paul Zimmerman, co-founder and CEO of Designing Hong Kong and elected District Councillor of the Pokfulam constituency. Photographs by fine art and documentary photographer Saskia Wesseling will also be on display. The evening will conclude with a WCH beer tasting and South African wine tasting.

Event Details

Thursday, 3 May from 6:30 pm – 8: 00 pm.

Venue: Africa Coffee & Tea, 41 Heung Yip Road, Suite 1501 – 1504, 15/F, Wong Chuk Hang

Tickets: HK$150 SAAHK members / HK$ 280 non-members

(ticket price includes a welcome drink and snacks)

Please RSVP to saahkinfo@gmail.com. Bookings will be confirmed upon receipt of proof of payment. Space is limited, so book your tickets today!
Electronic transfer or bank deposit:
Southern African Association of HK
Standard Chartered Bank
Account: 447-0-028193-5

Southern African Association of Hong Kong
Machine deposit or post to GPO Box 11893, Central, Hong Kong

More about the guest speakers